Samantha-Syed Khairunnesa has successfully passed her PhD preliminary exam
Samantha-Syed Khairunnesa has successfully passed the PhD preliminary exam. The proposal abstract:
Personal Website of Hridesh Rajan
Samantha-Syed Khairunnesa has successfully passed the PhD preliminary exam. The proposal abstract:
Md Johirul Islam has successfully defended his Masters of Science thesis. Johirul’s work has focused on creating a shared data science infrastructure for transportation data.
Hamid Bagheri has successfully passed the PhD preliminary exam. Hamid’s PhD work will continue his MS work on a shared data science infrastructure for genomics data extending it to the non-redundant (NR) database and using the infrastructure to enable new questions in data-driven genomics.
Hamid Bagheri has successfully defended his Masters of Science degree. Hamid’s MS work has focused on creating a shared data science infrastructure for Genomics data.
The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board had selected Prof. Rajan for the 2018-19 U.S. Scholar Award. This award led to an international workshop on large-scale empirical research on software security.
The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board has selected Prof. Rajan for the 2018-19 U.S. Scholar Award.
Early registration is now open for the 2018 Midwest Big Data Summer School to be held from May 14-17, 2018 in Ames, Iowa on Iowa State University campus. More details, including the link to register, can be found here.
Our lab has had two papers selected to appear at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering to be held at Gothenberg, Sweden from May 27-June 3, 2018.